Thank you for visiting! Your voice is an important part of your personal identity. The tone, flexibility, and strength of the voice manifests differently for each person. I'm happy to be a part of discovering and crafting your voice into your most powerful communication tool. As a voice teacher and a voice-specialized speech-language pathologist, my favorite thing in the world is to help people find and express their unique selves through their voice, both physically and emotionally. You deserve to love your voice. My teaching philosophy is guided by the core values of passion, curiosity, a sense of humor, and kindness. I believe in building exceptional voices with precision, but without pressure. I do this by providing students with opportunities for experimentation, guided exploration, and accurate and accessible information about how the voice works. A healthy balance between voice science and voice artistry is at the heart of my teaching. Rote adherence to a static set of voice exercises serves no one well. I encourage my students to understand why I am asking them to perform certain voice tasks, not just how. In this way, I am able to build confident, independent singers who have mastery over their vocal future.